'tis the season to be merry...

There's always another way. You just have to look for it, or wait for it, or create it.

Hence, this blog.

(Our solution to the "not enough money to do Christmas greetings" problem)

The 2009 Howorth 5 Greeting Blog
It's green. It's pictorial. It saves us stamps and stationary :o) Here's our opportunity to share our year with you and greet the Christmas season with cheer.

Well...2009, it all started in January, as you well know ;o) the Howorth 5 all cozy and snug in our "investment property". Full of hope and visions of "temporary transitions". Our motto : This is our year. I mean, even Obama was plugging "change". James was collecting a steady paycheck, which helped us climb out of debt. The kids....all healthy and happy. Also, we began attending Free Chapel OC (God rocks).

Thanks to a VERY supportive extended family....we were able to travel to Tahoe and ski, go to a phenomenal wedding and dance our pants off, squeeze in a weekend to San Francisco, and get a bunch of date nights in just me and my man....

Big decisions started to confront us.....job change, school change, scrape for change. James stuck with the numismatics industry, yet changed employers. We enrolled Tim and Toby at a new school for the fall. And the climb out of debt achievements abruptly changed to a just skate by budget plateau with a "watch out for cliff" warning.

As summer hit, I became what I refer to as the "cruise director". You know........like Julie on Love Boat (in charge of "activities", making sure the "guests" were experiencing their "cruise" to the fullest). Yet, not so perky. And I wasn't on a boat. But man, we stayed busy! The boys & I filled the summer up indulging the siren calls of southern california beaches and fun in the free sun. Making the most of the summer was slightly overshadowed, though, by James' rotten new employer who failed to pay him consistently, if at all. It seemed like things were in a downward spiral financially.

I still have symptoms of denial that this has all happened. It could be far worse. Others have been devastated. Yet, I swung from underweight in '08 :o( to overweight (swimsuit season) in '09. Good times :o/ Those of you who think I'm overreacting.....go ahead...gain 10-15 lbs ;o) Point is....grief is grief. Stress is stress. My mom has said, "if you don't deal with your emotions they will manifest themselves physically".

So, we bunkered down in the trenches and pulled up our boot straps. James decided to return to real estate & lending. I couldn't be happier. It's his best work. He's a giver. He's of sound mind. He's an assest to many in need of financial advice. For instance, it's not how much he makes, but what he gives...what he does with what he has. AND he's a "closer". Deals get done, people seem to like that. Go figure.

As we rode our hope into the school year, Tim developed into a talented running back for Mustang pop warner football. Toby started kindergarten.... and Tyler remained terribly cute. I swam in the OC Tri with my girlfriends and also did a crazy 30 day challenge of Bikram Yoga, all in the name of health and sanity. I needed to expose those emotions. James fasted.

There's more to this story.....I'm sure of it. I'm just not prophetic.

Our eyes are fixed.....our hearts are open....and our minds are settled.
Romans 5:3-5

All our best to you and yours.
May the God of all hope blind you with His love this Christmas!